ATM advertising is a very targeted and cost effective way of advertising your products. The ads are placed on the ATM screen where the customers are most likely to read them while withdrawing cash or transacting. The ads are conveniently placed without annoying the customers during their transaction. They can see the ads on the ATM screen during the welcome screen, while their transaction in being processed or when their receipt is being printed. The ads are either in a still graphics or animated form with 2D or 3D effects and sound.

We design the ATM screens for the ATM machines. Right from the welcome screen to the different menus for various transactions, we design them all. We use the latest technology to design excellent user friendly interface for ATM Screens. Our expert professionals use their creative skills to create an easy to use yet effective and efficient user interface for the ATM's. For our customers we design advertisements for ATM screens. The ads are placed intelligently within the ATM screen for maximum visibility. Customers are able to view the ads while transacting or withdrawing cash without being bothered.

We use the right graphics and animation in 2D or 3D form along with background audio and sound effects to make the ads extremely effective. The ATM screen advertisements are either animated or in still graphics. The ads are designed for maximum user visibility.


ATM screen Advertising is an extremely cost effective way of advertising. Thousands of people use the ATM Machines daily for transacting. Customers of the bank visit the ATM's to transact, check their account balance, withdraw cash or pay their bills. They have to use the ATM screen to interact with the ATM machine. This makes it the best place for the banks to place the advertisements as the customers can read the ads simply while using the machine. The banks can thus advertise their products and services to the customers without being intrusive. The ads are intelligently designed and placed within the ATM screen's menu. The customer can read it while the machine is processing a transaction or while printing the receipt. The advertisements are very economical and highly targeted. This saves the banks a lot of expenditure on advertising.

Give us a call to know more about our service. Get the benefits of advertising on an ATM Screen today!


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